Bismarck, North Dakota / James Paterak has worked in the construction industry for 15 years. He is currently a project manager. Part of his job is keeping all his employees safe on the job site. This includes the Covid-19 pandemic that has plagued the country for a year and claimed hundreds of thousands of lives.
Best Safety Practices on a Job Site | James PaterakĀ
The workplace is one of the most common places Covid-19 is spread following closely after large gatherings. James Paterak makes sure his crew follows the guidelines set forth by the Centers for Disease and Prevention and the Occupational Health and Safety Act, which overlap one another in many areas.
Covi-19 is known to spread quicker inside closed buildings. Therefore, when James Paterak’s crew is working inside, they must wear personal protective equipment, whether it is a face mask, face shield, or any other type of face covering for their protection and the protection of their co-workers.
James Paterak also makes sure there is adequate air ventilation, old air out new air in. This can be done by working with windows and doors to the outside open. If the crew is working outside, masks are still mandatory, and when possible, the six-foot distance rule applies.
General Covid-19 Precautions | James Paterak
James Paterak makes sure his crew wears masks when working and encourages six-feet of distancing while working if a customer approaches a crew member. Hand washing is another vital tip to help ward off Covid-19, as is liquid hand sanitizer. Plenty of antibacterial soap and paper towels that one or two can be removed without touching anything but the paper towel. Hand sanitizing is recommended whenever hand washing is unavailable, be it eating or drinking. Hands should be thoroughly washed for 20-25 seconds and dried with a clean towel or paper towels.
Sneezing into the crook of your arm is strongly recommended. Paterak has also said not to share drinks or food. Common areas used by all the crew members, such as a table or microwave, etc., should all be disinfected after lunch, break time, and at the end of every day.
James Paterak is also responsible for educating his crew on everything Covid-19 will help prevent catching and spreading the virus. Including staying home when you do not feel well, especially if you have a fever. If you think you may have Covid-19, you must be tested and quarantined until your results come back. If the test results are negative, you may return to work. If the test results are positive, you must have a doctor’s note saying you have entirely recovered from Covid-19 before being allowed to return to work.
If you wear personal protection equipment, keep your distance from co-workers when possible, practice good handwashing, and be smart about when not to come to work and stay home.
When taken seriously, Covid-19 can be prevented on the job site. Employers and employees must be extra vigilant and even do random rapid tests to keep everyone healthy.